






Assumption University in Thailand

08/2016-07/2020 Telecommunications and Electronics Engineer

My final cgpa:3.43


Robi Axiata Limited

1/2/2021-30/4/2021 Intern

My knowledge gained during the internship period are as
-Ensure Interconnection Management in compliance with BTRC Regulation
-Execute interconnection management in compliance with Regulation
and ILDTS Policy by BTRC
-Monitor traffic utilization and traffic distribution between ICXs for offnet calls and both international incoming and outgoing calls.
-Traffic balancing as per BTRC regulation and monitor in compliance.
-Ensure inter-operator congestion free (for both domestic & IDD) traffic flow.
-Communicate with BTRC regarding network problems and what we
plan to do in order to solve the problem.
-To process and manage raw data from different tools, prepare daily
traffic statistics report and trend to monitor network KPI.
-Communicate with BTRC regarding spectrum management and tower