
Dear Sirs,

I am looking for a job befitting my qualification and ability to work in a leading organization like yours to pave the way to building my future career. I am confident of proving my worth to become an important member of staff to add to your existing trusted organizational set up, if I be given the opportunity to take up my tasks under your kind supervision and able guidance. It will also be my earnest endeavor to give you every satisfaction by a conscientious and faithful performance of my given responsibilities.

For your kind perusal I attach herewith my Curriculum Vitae. As to my educational qualification and other particulars I like to focus among others specially the following :

– I obtained my BBA/MBA in Finance and completed internship in Al- Arafah Islami Bank Ltd., with merit.
– As to my computer skill I am able to design all compliance form and templates along with maintain a smoothly running database for all office application.

I believe I have the requisite qualification, initiative, flexibility and perception to exert my ability requires of an Executive and look forward to hearing if you would like me come for an interview.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Khatune Jannat
Cell : 01687753902
Email :