
Apply for Internship

Dear Sir,
I am seeking an internship in IT Industry like yours. I completed many academic course which related to your company. I want an opportunity to prove myself, my skills, hard work and other significant talents. In my academic life, I successfully completed many project.

Please give me an opportunity to prove myself.

Yours sincerely
Arif Ahamed Sajoy




B.Sc. in Computer Science & Software Engineering (CSSE)

CGPA- 3.38(Out of 4.00) American International University-Bangladesh(AIUB)

Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.)

GPA: 4.30 (Out of 5.00) Birshrestho Munsi Abdur Rouf Rifles College, Dhaka


Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.)

GPA: 5.00 (Out of 5.00) Bancharampur SM Pilot High School, Bancharampur, B-Baria
