
Built an API based Ishop ecommerce project that has efficient Order , User , Product management.

Source Code : Source

o   Built with ASP Laravel , ReactJs , Mysql

o   Backend : Laravel – Sanctum (Authentication),User crud,Product crud , Order management , Api to ReactJS , BCrypt (Password hashing)

o   Frontend : ReactJs – ContextApi , Rest Api, Tailwind, Blush design , React-Router-Dom , Toastify

o   API documentation has been automatically generated

from ‘swagger.json’ with ‘’


Built a project management tool that has users , course and user will purchace the course with proper authentication and authorization .

Source Code :Source

Live Link : Live link

o    Frontend :  Styled Homepage Active Route Firebase Authentication Private Route Awesome Backend Configuration Tools and Features : Context API , Rest API , Firebase Auth , React-bootstrap , React Icons , Rect-to-pdf , Blush Design , React Router Dom , Toastify

o    Backend : Using MongoDb , Express , Cors .

o    JWT (Authentication), BCrypt (Password hashing)

In this project we can Give quiz of any subject and judge our knowledge.This project is responsive.We can also see result of our quiz.There is also graph in this projecrt.

Source code :Source

Live Link : live link


o    ReactJs : Styled Homepage Active Route Firebase Authentication Private Route Awesome Backend Configuration Tools and Features : Context API , Rest API , Firebase Auth , React-bootstrap , React Icons , Rect-to-pdf , Blush Design , React Router Dom , Toastify ‘Twilio’ (OTP Auth), ‘SendGrid’ (Email verification)


American International University Bangladesh

01.01.2019 to 22.12.2022 B.Sc. in CSE


Boznur Tech Atelier Limited

02.10.2022 to 22.12.2022 Software Engineer Trainee